Thursday, May 31, 2012

Are YOU ready for hurricane season?

The 2012 Atlantic hurricane season starts tomorrow and Infinite Ways Network wants to know:  are you ready?   

Living in Dade County means having to live with the always-serious threat of dangerous tropical weather systems known as hurricanes during summer and autumn.   To help prepare our community any possible storms this season, IWN is planning to share various blog posts throughout the upcoming months to help raise hurricane awareness about the importance of preparedness.  

For our first hurricane awareness post this season, we suggest that readers have constructive, clear, specific discussions with your families about preparation for storms this season as well as plans for during and after storms.   If you have not already done, so please make sure to find out and document what your family will need in the event of a storm, whether or not you plan to evacuate (depending on where you live and the strength of a storm threatening our area, you may have to evacuate - please log onto this urlink and enter your home's zip codes to find out more), emergency contacts that live outside of Miami, et cetera. 


Please keep checking back here at the Infinite Ways Network Blog for updated tips and notes and more about being ready and aware this hurricane season.